Golf Blogs - BlogCatalog Blog Directory Golf Club Review: What is your golf body telling you?

Friday, March 20, 2009

What is your golf body telling you?

Do you remember what your body felt like at age 25? Vaguely, huh? What about age 35? Did you workout or exercise on a regular basis when you were younger? Did you have to?

Medicus Dual Hinger Driver - Golf Training Aid

Have you experienced a gradual decline in your physical skills after age 40? Even though you consistently workout? All these questions I am posing here are based on first-hand experiences. That's all I have to base it on because I am not a doctor. Afterall, we play the game on feel, and your body will tell you how it feels.

My body generally tells me it feels great after a workout. Whether it be cardio only, cardio plus lights weight training, resistance training, heavy weight club workout, or whatever the case may be. All I know is when the heart gets pumping and the sweat glands start flowing that is when I feel the best.

So, what is my body telling me? Workout more!!! It feels good. You ever heard the saying, "If it feels good, do it?" Well that's what it's all about from a golf fitness standpoint. I try not to get to technical or mechanical. Just do something and feel better. That's the first and most important step.

Medicus Dual Hinger Driver - Golf Training Aid

1 comment:

  1. Yea body start to loose its energy after 35. If something recovers it why someone wou't use that.
    Actually I make a mind to use it.

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